Pioneering solutions to wicked problems

What makes I3R different?

I3R is a new kind of public research institute, one with convergence at its core and differentiated by a dual mandate to advance research excellence and impact economic development. Most research institutions focus on discovery and development. Some venture into delivery. Our goal is deployment of innovations at scale through partnerships with industry, community and philanthropic organizations while educating and empowering a qualified future workforce. This is how we move technology through Technology Readiness Levels 8-9 to ensure positive societal impact.


Events at I3R

I3R Distinguished Lecture – Siddhartha Sikdar, Ph.D.

February 21, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Novel Applications of Biomedical Ultrasound in Rehabilitation

Arkansas News

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    UAMS News - 75 Years after Accident, UAMS Surgeons, I³R Researchers Restore Greenwood Pastor’s Sense of Touch, Ability to Grip

    November 8, 2024

    As Dewey Hickey took apart and reassembled a bait casting reel using an experimental prosthetic hand system, he marveled at the revolutionary technology that made it possible...

    Growing Produce - Getting To Know Cultivate IQ, a Next Level Farm-To-Market Tool

    October 16, 2024

    A transparent supply chain seems easy enough to build. But consider taking that supply chain information and adding in sales and production data that will help you to know how much to grow. Think of how much food wouldn’t be wasted each year. With a little help from artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, a University of Arkansas team, led by the Institute for Integrative and Innovative Research (I3R), aims to improve regional farm-to-market supply chains...

    The Chronicle of Higher Education - The Power of Touch: Delivering Feeling from Artificial Limbs

    Fall, 2024

    University of Arkansas researchers are restoring a sense of touch…and hope.

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